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Date d'inscription
29 Février 2024

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Prénom : Colterwallmerch
Sexe : Non renseigné
Situation : Non renseigné
Date de naissance : Non renseigné
Localisation : Non renseigné

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Colter Wall Canvas

Colter Wall is proving once again that cowboy music has a place in the modern country diet. The 25-year-old Swift Current, Saskatchewan native has made it his mission to illustrate that the classic cowboy legacy is still alive and well. He hasn’t compromised his own distinctive voice on his latest effort, Western Swings Waltzes and Other Punchy Songs, but he has dialed in the production to create a looser, more devil-may-care vibe.

He’s leaned in to old-time trail tunes, complimenting them, caretaking them, and elevating them above what many thought were archaic themes with limited appeal. It’s working.

From floral prints to earthy designs, nature-inspired tees are big this year. The trend is expected to continue into 2020, with designers focusing on earthy prints and colors. They are a welcome break from the overcrowded, popular empty messaging that is currently overtaking today’s radio-friendly summer anthems. Nature-inspired tees are versatile and can be worn all year round.

Colter Wall Plaque

A young man from Saskatchewan has found a place at the heart of modern country music. Colter Wall is a virile phenomenon appealing to old-school fans and reaping benefits from new channels of discovery. Videos of his performances go viral and influencers from across popular culture promote him without prompting.

A folk singer with a deep baritone voice, he writes songs that are framed by sparse acoustic instruments. Rather than succumbing to bro-country, Wall draws inspiration from classics like Hank Williams, Bob Dylan and Townes Van Zandt.

He is a master of mood and knows how to draw the audience in with bleak, eerie tales. It was not uncommon to hear people swaying or crying during his shows. He is not the kind of artist who cares if his music makes him rich, but he does it for the love of the art. He does not shy away from talking about his experiences on the ranch, and his songs are powerful in their authenticity.


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